Friday, August 8, 2008

Real-time 3D HD teleconference demo scheduled

R2D2 hologram

AT&T may be missing out on this "reach out and touch someone" opportunity, but Dreamworks SKG is there to score on the first real-time 3D HD broadcast. SKG CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg will be interviewed in stereoscopic 3D HD glory by 3Ality Digital, and the resulting bits will be beamed by satellite company Arqiva to Amsterdam. The demo will be the first real-time 3D HD broadcast, and the "real-time" angle is definitely where the challenges are. The two HD camera feeds are muxed together at the source into a (very strange looking, we assume) 2D image, which is demuxed on the receiving end before being beamed out to Christie projectors. Neat stuff, and we're just waiting for the day this tech comes to distance workers all over.

[Image courtesy TMCnet]

How would you change HTC's Advantage X7510?

There's no denying that HTC's Advantage X7510 fills a narrowing niche -- after all, how many of these things have you seen out and about in the subway / underground? Still, there's just something very enticing about a 5-inch VGA display, built-in GPS, HSDPA, WiFi, Bluetooth and a full-blown QWERTY keyboard, is there not? For you folks who plunked down quite a few bills in order to bring this home, how has your experience been? For you folks in America who have just recently decided to bite the bullet and jump in, was it worth it? How would you tweak this do-it-all conglomerate (besides making it way more affordable)? Here's your shot to get it out, don't let it pass you by!

CERN rap video about the Large Hadron Collider creates a black hole of awesomeness

Been having a tough time figuring out just what CERN's Large Hadron Collider does? Worried that it will create a Möbius strip (a rip in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop)? Just love to jam? Watch this CERN-sponsored rap after the break, and have your universe totally destroyed. Er, but not for real.